Vertebrata (Vertebrates) — Reptilia (Reptiles) — Scincidae (Skinks) — Mabuyinae — TrachylepisT. striata

by Denice ('Deno') Ochieng Maramba, © ITCER e.V. and ITCER Kenya — CC BY-NC-ND

Trachylepis striata (Scincidae, Mabuyinae) and Dovyalis caffra (Salicaceae, Salicoideae, Saliceae) [planted] — 23.09.2022

by Denice ('Deno') Ochieng Maramba, © ITCER e.V. and ITCER Kenya — CC BY-NC-ND

Trachylepis striata (Scincidae, Mabuyinae) — 16.10.2022

by Denice ('Deno') Ochieng Maramba, © ITCER e.V. and ITCER Kenya — CC BY-NC-ND

Trachylepis striata (Scincidae, Mabuyinae) — 16.10.2022

by Denice ('Deno') Ochieng Maramba, © ITCER e.V. and ITCER Kenya — CC BY-NC-ND

Trachylepis striata (Scincidae, Mabuyinae) — 17.10.2022

by Derek Peršoh, © ITCER e.V. and ITCER Kenya

Trachylepis striata (Scincidae, Mabuyinae) and concrete surface — 01.03.2022