Invertebrata (Invertebrates) — Arachnida — Araneae — Salticidae (Jumping spiders) — Salticinae — Plexippini — ThyeneT. inflata — [juveniles] — [portraits]

by Denice ('Deno') Ochieng Maramba, © ITCER e.V. and ITCER Kenya — CC BY-NC-ND

Thyene inflata (Salticidae, Salticinae, Plexippini) [juvenile] and Solanum incanum (Solanaceae, Solanoideae, Solaneae) — 19.09.2023

by Denice ('Deno') Ochieng Maramba, © ITCER e.V. and ITCER Kenya — CC BY-NC-ND

Thyene inflata (Salticidae, Salticinae, Plexippini) [juvenile] — 22.11.2022

by Denice ('Deno') Ochieng Maramba, © ITCER e.V. and ITCER Kenya — CC BY-NC-ND

Thyene inflata (Salticidae, Salticinae, Plexippini) [juvenile] — 22.11.2022