Phalaenophily (Moth pollination) — [specific and unspecific] — [portraits]

by Denice ('Deno') Ochieng Maramba, © ITCER e.V. and ITCER Kenya — CC BY-NC-ND

Jasminum dichotomum (Oleaceae, Jasminoideae, Jasmineae) — 30.09.2022

by Denice ('Deno') Ochieng Maramba, © ITCER e.V. and ITCER Kenya — CC BY-NC-ND

Jasminum dichotomum (Oleaceae, Jasminoideae, Jasmineae) — 22.05.2023

by Denice ('Deno') Ochieng Maramba, © ITCER e.V. and ITCER Kenya — CC BY-NC-ND

Amata schellhorni (Erebidae, Arctiinae, Syntomini) and Guizotia scabra (Asteraceae, Asteroideae, Millerieae) — 01.07.2023

by Denice ('Deno') Ochieng Maramba, © ITCER e.V. and ITCER Kenya — CC BY-NC-ND

Amata schellhorni (Erebidae, Arctiinae, Syntomini) and Guizotia scabra (Asteraceae, Asteroideae, Millerieae) — 01.07.2023