Tracheophyta (Plants) — Cucurbitaceae (Cucurbits, Gourd family) — Cucurbitoideae — Bryonieae — MomordicaM. foetida — [interactions]

by Denice ('Deno') Ochieng Maramba, © ITCER e.V. and ITCER Kenya — CC BY-NC-ND

cf. Pantomorus cervinus (Curculionidae, Entiminae, Naupactini) and Momordica foetida (Cucurbitaceae, Cucurbitoideae, Bryonieae) — 24.10.2022

by Denice ('Deno') Ochieng Maramba, © ITCER e.V. and ITCER Kenya — CC BY-NC-ND

Leptoglossus gonagra (Coreidae, Coreinae, Anisoscelini) and Momordica foetida (Cucurbitaceae, Cucurbitoideae, Bryonieae) — 16.01.2023