Vertebrata (Vertebrates) — Aves (Birds) — Ploceidae (Weavers, Weaverbirds, Bishops) — Ploceinae — Ploceini — PloceusP. cucullatus — [portraits]

by Denice ('Deno') Ochieng Maramba, © ITCER e.V. and ITCER Kenya — CC BY-NC-ND

Ploceus cucullatus (Ploceidae, Ploceinae, Ploceini) [♂] and Leonotis nepetifolia (Lamiaceae, Lamioideae, Leucadeae) — 26.10.2023

by Denice ('Deno') Ochieng Maramba, © ITCER e.V. and ITCER Kenya — CC BY-NC-ND

Ploceus cucullatus (Ploceidae, Ploceinae, Ploceini) [♂,♀] and Leonotis nepetifolia (Lamiaceae, Lamioideae, Leucadeae) — 26.10.2023

by Denice ('Deno') Ochieng Maramba, © ITCER e.V. and ITCER Kenya — CC BY-NC-ND

Ploceus cucullatus (Ploceidae, Ploceinae, Ploceini) [♂,♀] and Leonotis nepetifolia (Lamiaceae, Lamioideae, Leucadeae) — 26.10.2023

by Denice ('Deno') Ochieng Maramba, © ITCER e.V. and ITCER Kenya — CC BY-NC-ND

Ploceus cucullatus (Ploceidae, Ploceinae, Ploceini) [♀] and Lantana camara (Verbenaceae, Lantanoideae, Lantaneae) — 26.10.2023

by Denice ('Deno') Ochieng Maramba, © ITCER e.V. and ITCER Kenya — CC BY-NC-ND

Ploceus cucullatus (Ploceidae, Ploceinae, Ploceini) [♀] and Lantana camara (Verbenaceae, Lantanoideae, Lantaneae) — 26.10.2023