Donation and Membership

Donation and Membership

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin,000EURRaised 1,200EUR towards the 5,000EUR target.1,200EURRaised 1,200EUR towards the 5,000EUR target.24%

ITCER welcomes everyone interested in contributing to the training and communication of environmental science relevant for local communities in East Africa. As non-profit organisation in the tertiary education sector, ITCER’s functioning depends on donations, on a lively community of active, academic and non-academic members and financial support by the members. Financial resources are required for site management, further construction and equipment, as well as the support of training course participants.

So far this year, we have raised 1,200 € towards our 5,000 € target! That‘s 24% of the total!

Interest in membership can be expressed by completing the membership application form and attaching a short letter of interest along with a brief curriculum vitae.